survex: model-agnostic explainability for survival analysisMikołaj SpytekSep 19 “… survival models… tells us what is the probability of an event not happening until a given time t…. The complexity…
What I Read: Causal Inference Causal Inference: Connecting Data and RealityWenwen Ding04.Sep.2022 “Causal inference is a theory that describes, discriminates, and measures causal relationships, developed from statistics.”
What I Read: Comparing quantiles at scale Comparing quantiles at scale in online A/B-testingMarch 23, 2022Published by Mårten Schultzberg (Senior Data Scientist) and Sebastian Ankargren (Data Scientist) “…we have been able to reduce the computational complexity
What I Read: Anomaly Detection Metrics A Review of Anomaly Detection MetricsIurii KatserJul 12 “Anomaly detection… is a problem… to identify unusual patterns that do not conform to expected behavior…. we will talk about anomaly