The StandardScaler is not Standard:probabl. “There is a scaler in scikit-learn called the “StandardScaler”. The name might imply that it is standard or fairly basic., but once you consider
What I Read: Kalman Filter Kalman Filter – VISUALLY EXPLAINED!Kapil Sachdeva “This tutorial explains the Kalman Filter from Bayesian Probabilistic View and as a special case of Bayesian Filtering.”
What I Read: High-Dimensional Variance High-Dimensional VarianceGregory Gundersen09 December 2023 “A useful view of a covariance matrix is that it is a natural generalization of variance to higher dimensions.”
What I Read: reliance on AI-assisted decisions optimal reliance on model predictions in AI-assisted decisionsJessica Hullman3/6/24 12:31 PM “…AI-assisted decision task is of interest as organizations deploy predictive models to assist human decision-making in domains like