Tag: pipeline

What I Read: The Uselessness of Useful Knowledge

https://www.quantamagazine.org/science-has-entered-a-new-era-of-alchemy-good-20211020/ The Uselessness of Useful KnowledgeRobbert DijkgraafOctober 20, 2021Today’s powerful but little-understood artificial intelligence breakthroughs echo past examples of unexpected scientific progress.“…the current state of AI research is nothing newContinue readingWhat I Read: The Uselessness of Useful Knowledge

What I Read: The dysfunctions of Data Engineering

https://medium.com/@mrtrustworthy/from-data-driven-to-driving-data-the-dysfunctions-of-data-engineering-34c34496ed8e From Data Driven to Driving Data— The dysfunctions of Data EngineeringMrTrustworthyJul 27 “Being Data Driven isn’t enough…. We need Data Engineering… as a methodical approach at re-designing how aContinue readingWhat I Read: The dysfunctions of Data Engineering