How to deploy machine learning with differential privacy?Posted by Nicolas Papernot and Abhradeep Thakurta on October 25, 2021. “In many applications of machine learning, such as machine learning for
What I Read: Computer Scientists Discover Limits of Major Research Algorithm Computer Scientists Discover Limits of Major Research AlgorithmNick ThiemeAugust 17, 2021 “Many aspects of modern applied research rely on a crucial algorithm called gradient descent…. researchers have never fully
What I Read: Pathfinder, A parallel quasi-Newton algorithm Pathfinder: A parallel quasi-Newton algorithm for reaching regions of high probability massAndrew Gelman10 August 2021, 9:07 am “In the world of Stan, we see three roles for Pathfinder: (1)
What I Read: Why Deep Learning Works Why Deep Learning Works Even Though It Shouldn’tRyan Moulton’s ArticlesRyan Moulton “Stop talking about minima…. Nobody ever trains their model remotely close to convergence…. What really needs further research