Tag: microservice

What I Read: Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

https://zhenzhongxu.com/the-four-innovation-phases-of-netflixs-trillions-scale-real-time-data-infrastructure-2370938d7f01 The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data InfrastructureZhenzhong Xu2/1/2022“I think it’s a perfect time to summarize my learnings building the real-time data infrastructure at Netflix. IContinue readingWhat I Read: Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

What I Read: The dysfunctions of Data Engineering

https://medium.com/@mrtrustworthy/from-data-driven-to-driving-data-the-dysfunctions-of-data-engineering-34c34496ed8e From Data Driven to Driving Data— The dysfunctions of Data EngineeringMrTrustworthyJul 27 “Being Data Driven isn’t enough…. We need Data Engineering… as a methodical approach at re-designing how aContinue readingWhat I Read: The dysfunctions of Data Engineering

What I Read: Intro to Data Engineering for Data Scientists

https://towardsdatascience.com/intro-to-data-engineering-for-data-scientists-fa6c864a3ecc?gi=dd86c8bdeaa0 Intro to Data Engineering for Data ScientistsAn overview of data infrastructure which is frequently asked during interviewsWei WangJul 19 “…I have found that fresh data science graduates often don’tContinue readingWhat I Read: Intro to Data Engineering for Data Scientists