Tag: medicine

What I Read: Snorkel Tutorial to Predict Multiple Sclerosis

https://medium.com/swlh/a-snorkel-tutorial-using-clinical-notes-to-predict-multiple-sclerosis-severity-scores-e3863801630f A Snorkel Tutorial Using Clinical Notes to Predict Multiple Sclerosis Severity ScoresNLP4HJul 13 “In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of using Snorkel to generate labels forContinue readingWhat I Read: Snorkel Tutorial to Predict Multiple Sclerosis

What I Read: This Algorithm Doesn’t Replace Doctors

https://www.wired.com/story/algorithm-doesnt-replace-doctors-makes-them-better/ Tom SimoniteBusiness07.17.2020 07:00 AMThis Algorithm Doesn’t Replace Doctors—It Makes Them BetterAn artificial intelligence system has outperformed physicians when detecting skin lesions. The results are changing how one school trainsContinue readingWhat I Read: This Algorithm Doesn’t Replace Doctors