Tag: manifold

What I Read: Beyond Message Passing, Graph Neural Networks

https://thegradient.pub/graph-neural-networks-beyond-message-passing-and-weisfeiler-lehman/ Beyond Message Passing: a Physics-Inspired Paradigm for Graph Neural NetworksMichael Bronstein07.May.2022 “…the “node and edge-centric” mindset of current graph deep learning schemes imposes strong limitations… we propose physics-inspired “continuous”Continue readingWhat I Read: Beyond Message Passing, Graph Neural Networks

What I Read: Graph Neural Networks, Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology

https://towardsdatascience.com/graph-neural-networks-through-the-lens-of-differential-geometry-and-algebraic-topology-3a7c3c22d5f Graph Neural Networks through the lens of Differential Geometry and Algebraic TopologyMichael Bronstein “Differential geometry and algebraic topology are not encountered very frequently in mainstream machine learning… tools fromContinue readingWhat I Read: Graph Neural Networks, Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology