Tag: machine learning

What I Read: Revisiting Sutton’s Bitter Lesson for AI

https://blog.exxactcorp.com/compute-goes-brrr-revisiting-suttons-bitter-lesson-artificial-intelligence/ Deep LearningCompute Goes Brrr: Revisiting Sutton’s Bitter Lesson for Artificial IntelligenceMarketing, October 27, 2020 “The main driver of AI progress, according to Sutton, is the increasing availability of computeContinue readingWhat I Read: Revisiting Sutton’s Bitter Lesson for AI

What I Read: US Government Will Pay Doctors to Use AI Algorithms

https://www.wired.com/story/us-government-pay-doctors-use-ai-algorithms/ Tom SimoniteBusiness11.10.2020 07:00 AMThe US Government Will Pay Doctors to Use These AI AlgorithmsThe artificial intelligence programs can diagnose eye disease in diabetics and complications in stroke patients. “TheContinue readingWhat I Read: US Government Will Pay Doctors to Use AI Algorithms

What I Read: Frameworks Scaling Deep Learning Training

https://medium.com/dataseries/microsoft-and-google-open-sourced-these-frameworks-based-on-their-work-scaling-deep-learning-c0510e907038 Microsoft and Google Open Sourced These Frameworks Based on Their Work Scaling Deep Learning TrainingGoogle and Microsoft have recently released new frameworks for distributed deep learning training.Jesus RodriguezOct 26Continue readingWhat I Read: Frameworks Scaling Deep Learning Training