What can be passively learned about causality?Simons InstituteAndrew Lampinen (Google DeepMind)Jun 25, 2024 “What could language models learn about causality and experimentation from their passive training?”
What I Read: Classifying pdfs
https://snats.xyz/pages/articles/classifying_a_bunch_of_pdfs.html Classifying all of the pdfs on the internetSantiago Pedroza2024-08-18 “How would you classify all the pdfs in the internet? Well, that is what I tried doing this time.”
What I Read: Contextual Bandit, LinUCB:
https://truetheta.io/concepts/reinforcement-learning/lin-ucb A Reliable Contextual Bandit Algorithm: LinUCBDJ RichAugust 6, 2024 “A user visits a news website. Which articles should they be shown?”