Tag: Gaussian process

What I Read: Gaussian Process, Active Learning in Physics

https://towardsdatascience.com/gaussian-process-first-step-towards-active-learning-in-physics-239a8b260579?gi=41cc7e15ddd0 Gaussian Process: First Step Towards Active Learning in PhysicsMaxim ZiatdinovNov 1 “An approach to address these problems is a Gaussian Process…. we would like to offer a slightly unusualContinue readingWhat I Read: Gaussian Process, Active Learning in Physics

What I Read: First-Principles Theory of Neural Network Generalization

https://natluk.net/a-first-principles-theory-of-neuralnetwork-generalization-the-berkeley-artificial-intelligence-research-blog/ A First-Principles Theory of Neural Network Generalization – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research BlogNatLuk Community25 October 2021 “Perhaps the greatest of these mysteries has been the question of generalization:Continue readingWhat I Read: First-Principles Theory of Neural Network Generalization

What I Read: Exploring Bayesian Optimization

https://distill.pub/2020/bayesian-optimization/ Exploring Bayesian OptimizationBreaking Bayesian Optimization into small, sizeable chunks.AuthorsApoorv AgnihotriIndian Insitute of Technology GandhinagarNipun BatraIndian Insitute of Technology GandhinagarPublishedMay 5, 2020DOI10.23915/distill.00026 “Many modern machine learning algorithms have a largeContinue readingWhat I Read: Exploring Bayesian Optimization