Understanding Gaussians “The Gaussian distribution, or normal distribution is a key subject in statistics, machine learning, physics, and pretty much any other field that deals with data and probability.”
What I Read: Kalman Filter Kalman Filter – VISUALLY EXPLAINED!Kapil Sachdeva “This tutorial explains the Kalman Filter from Bayesian Probabilistic View and as a special case of Bayesian Filtering.”
What I Read: Deep learning, single-cell sequencing Deep learning for single-cell sequencing: a microscope to see the diversity of cellsFatima Zahra El Hajji1/13/24 1:12 PM “…we will explore the pivotal role that Deep Learning, in particular,
What I Read: Convolutions, Probability Understanding Convolutions in Probability: A Mad-Science PerspectiveWill Kurt, Count BayesieDecember 01, 2022 “If you’ve ever done much mad science you’ll know that a major problem is selectively determining the
What I Read: How diffusion models work How diffusion models work: the math from scratchSergios Karagiannakos, Nikolas Adaloglouon2022-09-29 “Diffusion models are a new class of state-of-the-art generative models that generate diverse high-resolution images.”