Tag: feature store

What I Read: Best Practices for Building Machine Learning at Scale

https://medium.com/dataseries/linkedins-pro-ml-architecture-summarizes-best-practices-for-building-machine-learning-at-scale-77fcb6afc9ec LinkedIn’s Pro-ML Architecture Summarizes Best Practices for Building Machine Learning at ScaleThe reference architecture is powering mission critical machine learning workflows within LinkedIn.Jesus RodriguezSep 17 “Building machine learning solutionsContinue readingWhat I Read: Best Practices for Building Machine Learning at Scale

What I Read: Feature Management

https://medium.com/@jrodthoughts/the-architecture-used-at-linkedin-to-improve-feature-management-in-machine-learning-models-c7bd6ae54db The Architecture Used at LinkedIn to Improve Feature Management in Machine Learning ModelsThe new typed feature schema streamlined the reusability of features across thousands of machine learning models.Jesus RodriguezAprContinue readingWhat I Read: Feature Management