Tag: deep learning

What I Read: Same or Different? The Question Flummoxes Neural Networks

https://www.quantamagazine.org/same-or-different-ai-cant-tell-20210623/ Same or Different? The Question Flummoxes Neural Networks.John PavlusContributing WriterJune 23, 2021 “One of the most powerful classes of artificial intelligence systems, known as convolutional neural networks or CNNs…Continue readingWhat I Read: Same or Different? The Question Flummoxes Neural Networks

What I Read: Continual Learning, Amnesia, Neural Networks

https://medium.com/dataseries/ibm-uses-continual-learning-to-avoid-the-amnesia-problem-in-neural-networks-ae8241e1f3a3 IBM Uses Continual Learning to Avoid The Amnesia Problem in Neural NetworksUsing continual learning might avoid the famous catastrophic forgetting problem in neural networks.Jesus RodriguezJan 25 “Building neural networksContinue readingWhat I Read: Continual Learning, Amnesia, Neural Networks

What I Read: Revisiting Sutton’s Bitter Lesson for AI

https://blog.exxactcorp.com/compute-goes-brrr-revisiting-suttons-bitter-lesson-artificial-intelligence/ Deep LearningCompute Goes Brrr: Revisiting Sutton’s Bitter Lesson for Artificial IntelligenceMarketing, October 27, 2020 “The main driver of AI progress, according to Sutton, is the increasing availability of computeContinue readingWhat I Read: Revisiting Sutton’s Bitter Lesson for AI

What I Read: Frameworks Scaling Deep Learning Training

https://medium.com/dataseries/microsoft-and-google-open-sourced-these-frameworks-based-on-their-work-scaling-deep-learning-c0510e907038 Microsoft and Google Open Sourced These Frameworks Based on Their Work Scaling Deep Learning TrainingGoogle and Microsoft have recently released new frameworks for distributed deep learning training.Jesus RodriguezOct 26Continue readingWhat I Read: Frameworks Scaling Deep Learning Training