Let’s Continue Bundling into the DatabaseEthan RosenthalMay 10, 2022 “Truthfully, I just want to argue that feature stores, metrics layers, and machine learning monitoring tools are all abstraction layers
What I Read: Deploying Deep Learning Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning To ProductionPeter Gao16.May.2022 “I used to think that machine learning was about the models. Actually, machine learning in production is about pipelines.”
What I Read: Data Observability vs. Data Testing Data Observability vs. Data Testing: Everything You Need to KnowYou already test your data. Do you need data observability, too?Lior GavishFeb 12 “In any data system, there are two
What I Read: Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data InfrastructureZhenzhong Xu2/1/2022“I think it’s a perfect time to summarize my learnings building the real-time data infrastructure at Netflix. I