Tag: continual learning

What I Read: Continual Learning, Amnesia, Neural Networks

https://medium.com/dataseries/ibm-uses-continual-learning-to-avoid-the-amnesia-problem-in-neural-networks-ae8241e1f3a3 IBM Uses Continual Learning to Avoid The Amnesia Problem in Neural NetworksUsing continual learning might avoid the famous catastrophic forgetting problem in neural networks.Jesus RodriguezJan 25 “Building neural networksContinue readingWhat I Read: Continual Learning, Amnesia, Neural Networks

What I Read: Production with Deep Semi-Supervised Learning

https://towardsdatascience.com/from-research-to-production-with-deep-semi-supervised-learning-7caaedc39093 From Research to Production with Deep Semi-Supervised LearningVarun NairSep 25 “Semi-supervised learning (SSL), a subfield that combines both supervised and unsupervised learning, has grown in popularity in the deepContinue readingWhat I Read: Production with Deep Semi-Supervised Learning