Tag: autoML

What I Read: AutoML, Multi-task learning, Multi-tower models, Ads

https://medium.com/pinterest-engineering/how-we-use-automl-multi-task-learning-and-multi-tower-models-for-pinterest-ads-db966c3dc99e How we use AutoML, Multi-task learning and Multi-tower models for Pinterest AdsPinterest EngineeringAug 19, 2020Ernest Wang | Software Engineer, Ads Ranking “In this blog post, we explain how keyContinue readingWhat I Read: AutoML, Multi-task learning, Multi-tower models, Ads

What I Read: ML models in production

https://medium.com/analytics-and-data/overview-of-the-different-approaches-to-putting-machinelearning-ml-models-in-production-c699b34abf86 Overview of the different approaches to putting Machine Learning (ML) models in productionJulien KervizicApr 29, 2019 “There are different approaches to putting models into productions, with benefits that canContinue readingWhat I Read: ML models in production