Tag: active learning

What I Read: Gaussian Process, Active Learning in Physics

https://towardsdatascience.com/gaussian-process-first-step-towards-active-learning-in-physics-239a8b260579?gi=41cc7e15ddd0 Gaussian Process: First Step Towards Active Learning in PhysicsMaxim ZiatdinovNov 1 “An approach to address these problems is a Gaussian Process…. we would like to offer a slightly unusualContinue readingWhat I Read: Gaussian Process, Active Learning in Physics

What I Read: Production with Deep Semi-Supervised Learning

https://towardsdatascience.com/from-research-to-production-with-deep-semi-supervised-learning-7caaedc39093 From Research to Production with Deep Semi-Supervised LearningVarun NairSep 25 “Semi-supervised learning (SSL), a subfield that combines both supervised and unsupervised learning, has grown in popularity in the deepContinue readingWhat I Read: Production with Deep Semi-Supervised Learning