Strong AI Requires Autonomous Building of Composable Models30.Oct.2021Jonathan MuganDr. Jonathan Mugan is a principal scientist at DeUmbra and is the author of The Curiosity Cycle. “…AI must be able
What I Read: Limits Discovered in Quest for Optimal Solutions Surprising Limits Discovered in Quest for Optimal SolutionsMax G. LevyContributing WriterNovember 1, 2021 “Algorithms that zero in on solutions to optimization problems are the beating heart of machine reasoning.
What I Read: How to assign partial credit on an exam of true-false questions How to assign partial credit on an exam of true-false questions?By Terence Tao1 June, 2016Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems, and other maths-related topics.
What I Read: First-Principles Theory of Neural Network Generalization A First-Principles Theory of Neural Network Generalization – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research BlogNatLuk Community25 October 2021 “Perhaps the greatest of these mysteries has been the question of generalization:
What I Read: Introduction AutoEncoder Introduction to AutoEncoder and Variational AutoEncoder(VAE)Nagesh Singh ChauhanJul 28“In recent years, deep learning-based generative models have gained more and more interest…. we will dive deep into these generative networks