How ELT Schedules Can Improve Root Cause Analysis For Data EngineersRyan KearnsUpdated December 9, 2022 “In this article, Ryan Kearns… discusses the limitations of segmentation analysis when it comes
What I Read: Convolutions, Probability Understanding Convolutions in Probability: A Mad-Science PerspectiveWill Kurt, Count BayesieDecember 01, 2022 “If you’ve ever done much mad science you’ll know that a major problem is selectively determining the
What I Read: Realtime ML Pipelines Challenges of Building Realtime ML PipelinesNick ParsonsNov 18 “…as companies start introducing realtime into their ML pipelines, they are finding themselves having to weigh the trade-offs between performance, cost,
What I Read: Matrix Multiplication AI Reveals New Possibilities in Matrix MultiplicationBen BrubakerNovember 23, 2022 “Inspired by the results of a game-playing neural network, mathematicians have been making unexpected advances on an age-old math
What I Learn: video quality, neural networks For your eyes only: improving Netflix video quality with neural networksby Christos G. Bampis, Li-Heng Chen and Zhi LiNetflix Technology BlogNov 14 “Recently, we added another powerful tool to